Most Surprising WordPress Statistics of 2019

Most Surprising WordPress Statistics of 2019

Anyone who has used or currently is using WP would know the ease with which they can navigate through the program. This is one of the top reasons for the program to be successful among many people who have used it all over the world. In this article we look at some of the most surprising WordPress statistics. This would also go on to give you reasons to start using this program if you have not used it in the past to be able to develop your own website.

  • WordPress powers top websites on the internet:

It may surprise many people but the fact remains that some of the top websites on the internet are powered by WP. BBC America, The New York Times, The White House website, TechCrunch and Spotify are all powered by WordPress. A total of 14.7% of the top-ranking websites on the internet are said to use this program. This is also by far the highest by any means in terms of its total share on the internet.

  • Controls the major share in the CMS market:

Another surprising statistic is that WP rules the internet with 60.8% of the market share with the CMS market. When it comes to the total number of websites which uses WP, it has a staggering 34% of the market share.

  • Most websites built on any given day uses WP:

Analysis shows that more than 500 websites are built each day using the program WordPress. Comparatively, its competitors only make up for about 80 -100 websites in total. This is after them being in the 2 nd and 3 rd spot respectively being WP.

  • WordPress plugin directory:

Having a total of 55,000 plugins in its directory a user is often spoilt for choices when it comes to using the one
which suits them.

  • Plugin WooCommerce market:

Another astounding statistic is that WooCommerce powers a total of 22% of all the top 1 million websites
with ecommerce.

With all these statistics you would now know why this opensource (free) program tops the market on the internet. There have not been any company that has had such an astounding success as WP since 2003 when it was launched.
Some features which you may not familiar with on WP and information about the same can be found very easily on the internet. There are video tutorials from the best WordPress company on the internet which can teach you how to use this program successfully. There are also forums and blogs which provide information which you need pertaining to WP. Apart from all these things the website of WP itself has FAQs which can answer most of your questions. The
above provided statistics are just a small piece of the cake pertaining to the opensource program WP. There are many astonishing and mind-boggling statistics which you can find on the internet by just browsing through information about WordPress.

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