How to Disable Comments on WordPress Posts

How to Disable Comments on WordPress Posts

Since the time WordPress was introduced into the market way back in the year 2003 it has been widely used by many people all over the world. This tool has made things a lot easier for the common man. Their dependence on coders, developers and designers has considerably come down since the time WP was introduced. These days business owners and bloggers are able to save a lot of money by spending a few hours in front of their computer to create their own website and blogs. However, having to read unwanted comments and replies to your post is not something everyone would enjoy. We shall have a look at the ways in which you can disable comments on WordPress without disturbing your content or posts.

Negative Impact of Comments:

There are many website owners who get upset with offensive content being posted on their website by people who are not known to them. These offensive content or comments can have a negative impact on the website. The people
who come to visit the website may also be influenced by what they see in the comments section. Often people do not understand that their comments can have a bearing or negative impact for businesses and people. As a website
owner you may post warnings about refraining from using abusive language. However, there are always a few who blatantly ignore these warnings and go on to post abusive, racist, ignorant, offensive and threatening comments.

Disabling Comments: 

To be able to overcome this problem it is very easy if you take the right measures. Apart from reporting users or blocking them you can choose to disable comments on posts. However, there are two different ways in which you
can disable comments. You can be specific about disabling comments for a single post or you can disable comments of users completely. It is up to you as the administrator to decide which would be the ideal way forward for your

Steps to Follow:

Following a few simple steps can be good enough to ensure that comments are disabled on your posts. After logging into your admin account, you can go open a specific post. There would be something known as “More Options” and you can click on it. You would get two checkboxes namely “Allow comments” and “Allow Pingbacks & Trackbacks”. Uncheck both of them and you are all set to go once you click on the update button below. You would not get any comments on posts going forward.

However, if you still require more information about disabling comments you can choose to contact the best WordPress Company. They would either do it for you or help you do it yourself.