Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Solutions For Your Business - EkarigarTech

Enterprise Resource Planning is the integrated management of core business processes such as procurement, production, distribution, accounting, human resource, corporate performance & governance, customer service management etc. often in real time and mediated by software and technology irrespective of the size and the industry of the organization.

Enterprise Resource planning solution plays an important role in every organization’s business processes by comprehensive functionality that connects all operational parts of the business by holding all the processes together.

Despite being the difference in every business need and processes, every business’s technological needs for core business processes are same. We provide integrated ERP solutions that are totally customizable to every organization’s need that will help you to operate your business more effectively and efficiently so that better strategic planning can be done for greater profitability so that the business can easily achieve its goals.

ERP Solutions Developed by e-karigar

Warehouse Pro.

Warehouse Management System - EkarigarTech

Warehouse Pro is an extensive yet easy to use system for managing any kind of warehouse, grading, processing and export unit. The system uses self guiding approach for each task and is equipped with various reporting tools… Read More.

Vessel Management System

Vessel Management System - EkarigarTech

VMS aims to save resources by utilising information technology. Reliable on-board data collection, decision support for the crew, reporting to the officers and ship-to-shore data communication are key features of our software…. Read More.

Retail Sales Communication Tool

Retail Sales Communication Tool - EkarigarTech

Developed for SONY MEA, this Android & iOS based application backed by sturdy control panel helps sales executives at SONY Outlets across Middle East & Africa to quickly close a sale, get product updates, online training and much more… Read More.

School Admin

ERP Solution for School Admin - EkarigarTech

Organise core school activities starting from creating a new school, setting up classes & sections, subjects, extra co curricular activities, attendance, exam creator, result manager and above all highly detailed student performance monitor… Read More.

Real Estate Pro.

Real Estate ERP - EkarigarTech

Self Guided ERPs is what E-karigar Tech always aims at. This ERP tool is designed for real estate construction companies. Now Just Develop a new project, add saleable units & start selling, stock management, EMIs, Cash Flow etc. will be taken care by this robust ERP… Read More.

Corporate Events ERP

Corporate Event Management ERP - EkarigarTech

You are a company having vendors, dealers, associates all across the globe/country & you often conduct workshops, conferences, exhibitions etc.? This tool will make all your small and large scale events smooth & well organised  … Read More.

Why you need an ERP?